Dragons at the London Book Fair!

London book fair logo How exciting! The Romanian Cultural Institute in London has invited Xiaolong, George mouse and author Arabella to join them at the London Book Fair for the opening day of the Fair. Floss the lost puppy is invited too, since he now lives in London (and is a real dog!).

1493367447ni_pe_cerul_Londrei_C1_3DWe’ll all be there on 10th April, and I’ll post details of when and where you can find us, as soon as I know.

Save the date….

Bookworm grandfather’s review

Charles Pepper wrote from Thailand to say what he thought of the book:

Beefeater in blue uniform

“An engaging and very readable thriller with a dramatic ending; the reader is drawn into this fast moving tale as it’s easy to relate to the characters, settings and drama. The descriptions, many interesting true facts, real historic events and landmarks that still exist, the twists, turns and illustrations all bring the tale very much to life.

“I would recommend this book for both girls and boys; parents, grandparents and teachers will find it an enjoyable story to share with youngsters; and if you’d like to see the Dragons in London today, you can.”

Read the whole review here

Can you please review my book?

Have you read the book? Did you like it? I’d love to know what you thought of it! Other people want to know what you thought, too, to help them decide whether to read it or not.
If you’re happy to write a review but don’t know how, I’ve put some guidelines here to help you.
Oscar 1
Oscar is outraged by the fate of one particular character

For instance, you could say:

– what you loved
– what you didn’t like
– how you felt at important moments in the book (was it funny, scary, joyful, exciting etc)
– your favourite and least favourite characters (and why)
– if you were surprised by the ending
– how you felt at important moments in the story
– if you want a sequel
– who else you think will like the book
– how many stars would you give it?
You can write as much as you like – from one sentence to a whole page – the more the better! And you can write in English or Romanian. If you can include a picture of you reading the book that would be a lovely bonus…

George and Xiaolong’s chums at the Tower

Meet the ravens of the Tower of London in this BBC profile – along with the Yeoman Warder lucky enough to look after them – the Ravenmaster, Chris Skaife. Ravens_005 and

*gasp!* First run SOLD OUT

cropped-cover-dragoni-cropped.jpgI’ve just spoken to the publisher, Mona, and she had this amazing news. Less than a week after launching the dragons at Bookfest, the whole of the first print run (3,000 copies) is sold out! The book is already being reprinted…

Congratulations to the Booklet Fiction team – I’m amazed and delighted. Onwards and upwards!

James Patterson knows…


Come to Bookfest this week at Romexpo, Bucuresti, and find amazing books! (Come and discover my new book, too, at the Booklet Fiction stand. I’ll be there on Friday and Saturday.)

My first customers!

Here are Luca and Nadia, proving that it’s never too early to fall in love with books… With thanks to Fairy Bookmother and family friend, Alexandra Craciunoiu.

Woman holds baby and book Dragons over London
Alexandra introduces Luca to his first book. He doesn’t look 100% convinced so far!
Baby sitting with book open
Nadia absorbed in the story of George and his dragon

The dragons have landed!

1493367447ni_pe_cerul_Londrei_C1_3DMona, the publisher, called me this evening to tell me that she had a copy of Dragoni pe cerul Londrei (Dragons over London) in her hand – just back from the printers! She’s thrilled with it and everyone at Booklet Fiction loves the book and is very excited about it’s future, and potential world domination…

I don’t think Hagrid’s Norwegian Ridgeback has anything to worry about quite yet, but of course we’re all hoping that Romanian kids will enjoy the story of George, Xiaolong and the naughty British dragons for years to come.

So the big event news: the official launch will be at Bookfest in Bucharest on Friday 26th May – just over three weeks away. Eeek! (as George would say).

bookfest logoHere’s the Bookfest website – the list of exhibitors will be posted soon so you can check where Booklet Fiction’s stand is. I’ll post the news here as soon as I know, too.

At the moment I’m due to be ‘on stage’ at 12.00 hrs and again at 16.00 hrs, and there’ll be stuff happening and maybe one or two prizes to be won. I’ll confirm times nearer the event – just in case there’s a change. But come alone, and bring kids!

How to order your dragons

The book is rolling off the printing presses as I write! And Mona, the publisher, told me in secret (!!!) that the initial response from teachers has been very enthusiastic. In fact she said (even more secretly) that the Dragons are top of the list of forthcoming attractions…!!  (apologies for all the exclamation marks – I usually hate them – but it is very exciting to hear this kind of thing from one’s lovely publisher!!!!!!!!!!!)

Okay – I’ve calmed down.

Several friends have asked how they can get their hands on a copy, so I thought a quick post was in order. The quickest and easiest way to order, is from the publishers themselves.

booklet fiction logoBooklet Fiction’s order line is:

021 430 30 95 

And very soon I’ll post any other details about ordering.

There will also be news of events – book signings, readings, writing workshops, and more. Dragons are coming to town… your town.

Celebrate George’s Day with a dragon!

18010111_10155187063807359_941950006086771224_nTo England, 23rd April (today) is St George’s Day, dedicated to the country’s patron saint.

It’s always upset me that mean old George was so horrible to the poor dragon.  It was even worse when the ultra-right neo-fascist idiots used the English flag of St George to demonstrate English supremacy over the world, and all foreigners. Idiots. Don’t get me started on their xenophobic bigotry. They don’t have any idea where the ‘English’ came from…

BUT these days I celebrate this day not just as William Shakespeare’s birth (and death) day, but as the special day for my little George and his spectacular dragon, Xiaolong.

COVER dragoniThey both feature in my new book, published by Booklet Fiction in May, all about these two heroes and some other more villainous dragons, all vying for victory in the skies of London.

Not only that… here’s something that most readers won’t get to know. But towards the end of the book, something happens on this very day, Sunday 23rd April 2017. What’s going on in London today? The London Marathon. I’m going to say nothing more about it here – you’ll have to read the book to find out.

Actually, the precise date doesn’t matter too much, but when I was doing my research and calculations for the book, this was the date I fixed on. So now you know…

George and Xiaolong are talking
Brave, loyal mouse George hushes the imperial dragon